All adult volunteers and employees who work with children at St. Clement Parish must complete the requirements of the Protecting God’s Children Program mandated by the Diocese of Paterson.
If you are a new volunteer who will be working with children at St. Clement Parish, please contact Mary Beth Ramsay in the Office of Religious Education at 862-505-4286 for details or email: [email protected]
To register for a class, please click on " PCG Training Class Registration" and follow the steps for First Time Users.
For organization drop down, use Paterson- Child Protection (Diocese)
"If any person may have been abused by any priest, they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor's Office and the Diocese's Victims Assistance Coordinator: Dr. Ken McNiel at 973-879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Rev. Msgr. T. Mark Condon, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 ext. 205 or Sister Joan Daniel Healy, S.C.C., Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-777-8818 Ext. 248.
The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to Complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the Diocesan Web site:"
"Si usted o algiuen que usted conozca ha sido abusado por un sacerdote deben de llamar de immediato a la oficina del Procurador General de su comunidad y la Coordinadora para Asistencia de Victimas de la Diocesis: Dr. Ken McNiel al numero 973-879-1489. Tambien deben de llamar a la Diocesis y hablar con el Rev. Monsenor T. Mark Condon, Vicario General y Moderador de la Curia al numero 973-777-8818 ext. 205 o a la Hermana Joan Daniel Healy, S.C.C., Canciller/Delegada Religiosa al numero 973-777-8818 ext. 248.
El texto completo de la poliza de la Diocesis de Paterson referiendo a Reclamos de Abuso Sexual esta disponible en la pagina web:"